Pine Harbour dry stack
Not only is your boat safely stored on dry land, you can enjoy unlimited launching and retrieval of your vessel and access to a number of additional Marina services. Our ‘Step on Board’ launching service means your boat can be ready to go on the water with just one phone call! With 24-hour security surveillance when not in use, you can be assured that your vessel is safely secured.
For more information about the Dry Stack, call 09 536 4720 or come out to Pine Harbour and see for yourself!

Going out boating
We make getting out on the water hassle free for you.
Simply call us on 09 536 4720 ext. 1 a minimum of two hours prior to leaving. Give us your name, Dry Stack number, intended departure time, and approximate time of return, and we’ll do that rest!
Your boat will be launched and tied up alongside the dock, ready for you to board. When you arrive at Pine Harbour, park in the public car park. Trolleys are available to carry your gear to your boat. Then you’re ready to set sail!

When you return
- Tie your boat alongside the dockside.
- Leave your ‘Leave-in/Lift-out’ card in a visible position.
- Remove your personal belongings, wash the decks and topsides if you wish, using the water taps available. Lock up/close your boat.
- As soon as is convenient, we will lift your boat, wash off all salt from the hull and place it back in the Dry Stack, ready for the next time you go boating.
Pine Harbour dry stack
Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions Dry Stack rental.